If you need a new boiler, it can cost up to £3,000, which is a lot of money for anyone to spend, but if you are living on a pension, it could be an impossible amount.

Boiler Grants for Pensioners

So how about a brand new free boiler instead? The Government’s boiler grant scheme means that if your current boiler is broken, or over 7 years old and not working as it should, then you could qualify for a new one via the Government backed ECO scheme.

To qualify, you need to own your home, or have permission from your landlord, and get help through the Pension Guarantee Credit, or other eligible benefits.  If you don’t receive Pension Credit and you are aged over 60 and receive a standard state pension you do not automatically qualify, but if you claim working tax credits, you may still be eligible under the boiler grant scheme. It can all be very confusing, but that’s where companies like BoilersForFree.co.uk comes in to help.

We can help to check if you are eligible to receive help from the government’s Energy Company Obligation or ECO scheme.  The ECO scheme, sometimes called the Affordable Warmth Scheme, is designed to help everyone have more energy-efficient homes in order to reduce our carbon footprint and save money on heating bills.  If you are struggling with the rising cost of heating your home, then you could be an ideal candidate for the scheme.

You will be asked some simple questions, and all of the work will be done for you to check if you are eligible.  If that’s too daunting, it’s not a problem.  A friend, family member or carer will be able to answer on your behalf, and help us to check if you qualify for a brand new A-rated boiler installed by a Gas Safe Registered engineer.

Usually, when an offer like this comes along, people think it is too good to be true, and pensioners especially are looking for ‘the catch’!  This is perfectly understandable, which is why you should know that not everyone over the age of 60 will qualify – that simply is not true.  What is true, is that if you are on a limited income, and you need help, then you should check if you are eligible for a new free boiler.  If you already qualify for government benefits, then the chances are you will meet the criteria that the government requires.

The ECO scheme is designed to help our society’s most vulnerable groups, those who perhaps rely the most on their home heating, and who are more likely to struggle to fund it.  The government estimates that around 2.5 million people in the UK will be eligible for a new free boiler, so it is worth getting in touch to see if you are one of the lucky ones.  Once you know if you qualify, a check will be made to see if your boiler qualifies!  If it is brand new and working well, obviously you won’t need a new one anyway, but if it is old, inefficient or broken then it is likely to qualify for replacement.

To check your eligibility, or someone you know,  you should get in touch with one of the reputable companies like BoilersForFree.co.uk and start the process to a potential funded ‘A’ rated boiler and start saving money on your energy bills!